If you can’t wait to buy our delicious products or don’t have one of our fantastic stockists nearby, you can always come and see us at our Factory Shop.
Our resident ‘nutters’ are waiting to meet you and answer all of your questions about our tasty products. They will tempt you with delicious Nuts, Fruit and Snacks that will satisfy even the most diverse of tastebuds!
We stock an extensive range of our premium Natural Grocer pre-packed products or you can choose to have your own selection weighed out right in front of you. Weighable products start at 500g and you can also even buy bulk cartons and bags.
Don’t worry if you can’t come out to see us, we won’t take it personally. You can place an order over the phone or fax or email and it will be ready to collect within 48 hours.
We have been servicing the Food Service Industry for over 50 years and we like to think we are the experts. Give us a call or drop us an email for our full range of products available to Food Service companies. If you are an existing Food ServIce Customer make sure your range is 100% up to date by getting in touch ASAP.
If your Food Service supplier isn’t supplying your business with The Natural Grocer brand then demand to know why!
Are you buying the best quality available? Because we do!