something to chew on
The Pineapple is originated from southern Brazil and Paraguay and was spread by the Indians up through South and Central America to the West Indies. In 1493 Christopher Columbus found the fruit on the island of Guadaloupe and carried it back to Spain.
From there it was carried by the Spanish around the world on sailing ships as protection against scurvy – very exotic. In 1660 it reached England and by the early 1700’s the English started growing it in greenhouses to eat.
Did you know if you cut the top off a pineapple and plant it in soil you can grow another pineapple?
Enjoy our dried Pineapple in cooking and baking, chopped and sprinkled over your favourite breakfast cereal or a simple handful as a delicious snack. Be aware though, that dried Pineapple has a high sugar content.
The Natural Grocer offers dried Pineapple as Diced, Tidbits (wedges) and Glace in a number of pack sizes.